After losing a loved one, it can be difficult to get through any given day or moment. Our team is here to support you throughout your grief journey, for as long as you need it.
Whether you’re looking for a counseling referral, information about grief, or someone to talk to on a difficult day, our Donor Family Support team can help. We invite you to explore the resources below or get in touch with us at 1-800-925-3666 or
Communicate with Recipients
Writing to the recipients of your loved one’s gifts can be a healing step in the donation process. The decision to communicate is a very personal one. If you are interested in reaching out to your loved one’s organ or tissue recipient, our team may be able to forward your note. For more information and instructions on how to write to your recipient, please visit our Communicating with Recipients page.

Honor Your Loved One
Many donor families look for ways to honor their loved one through storytelling, art, or volunteer work. We encourage you to share your memories and experiences with our supportive community of donor families and transplant recipients.
Attend an Event
Several times a year, our community gathers to honor the memories of loved ones. Events include the Candlelight Memorial, Celebrate Life 5K Run/Walk, Memory Making Workshops, and more.

To cope with the loss of a loved one, many donor families feel compelled to help others. As a Mid-America Transplant volunteer, you can share your story, educate others about donation, or help enroll individuals on the registry.

Share Your Loved One’s Story
In our online Stories section, families have shared memories and photographs of their loved ones. Here, you can explore tributes from other families or create your own.

Connect with Other Donor Families on Facebook
Sometimes, sharing your story with others can provide a sense of healing. The Donor Family Facebook Group is a place for you and your family to meet and interact with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one. To join, please complete the Donor Family Facebook Group form.
Request Recipient Update
Donor families may request limited information regarding their loved one's donation. Please see our Recipient Update Request Form.
Contact Our Donor Family Support Team
You can reach our team through the Donor Family Priority Line at 1-800-925-3666 or by email at