I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis in 2018. My mom had passed away in 1998, and her siblings followed all within four years. I was put on medicine to slow things down, and it worked for a while. Then I needed a low amount of oxygen over time. I had to increase my oxygen because it was getting hard to do things. While all this was going on, I lost my brother to PF in July. I retired in September 2019 because I was no longer able to work. Things we’re getting harder and harder. I was admitted to Barnes-Jewish Hospital on January 26, just 5 days before my 60th birthday. I was going down hill fast, so I was put on the transplant list. Then I took another turn to the worse. Then I was put as number 1 on the transplant list, and 24 hours later on February 04 , 2020 a miracle happened! I received my double lung transplant. I am home now doing wonderful thanks to the donor and their family.