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April is National Donate Life Month -
Donate Life America was inspired by the vital role that bees play in sustaining life and, as April is Donate Life Month, has named the 2022 theme “Bee A Donor”. Here's how you can "bee" involved in this April's celebration!
Picture of a clock. Text says "Save a life in two minutes or less"
95 percent of Americans support organ donation, but only 60 percent are registered. Here’s why you should register now.
Edith Helm: First Woman to Give Birth After Organ Transplantation
This Women’s History Month, we celebrate three female pioneers who made an indelible mark on the lives of those touched by organ donation.
National Kidney Month: building a path toward better kidney health
For Sara Danner, the Mid-America Transplant mission of saving lives through excellence in organ and tissue donation hits close to home. “This mission is very, very dear to my heart,” she says.
National Donate Life Month
National Donate Life Month is a month-long observance throughout April, and we hope you’ll join us in celebrating this important time. NDLM, short for National Donate Life Month, is designed to help encourage Americans to register as organ, eye, and tissue donors and to celebrate those who have saved lives through the gift of donation. There are many ways you can help celebrate NDLM and show support for donor heroes, their families and those awaiting a lifesaving gift.
APOL1 Research
Advances in genetic testing make it possible to unlock opportunities for life-saving early detection and prevention of chronic kidney disease (CKD), and eventually kidney failure. Raising awareness and expanding access to testing for a gene variation that puts men of African descent at higher risk for chronic kidney disease is a powerful way to fight health disparities.
Lung Transplant
Mid-America Transplant
Every day, Mid-America Transplant stewards the lifesaving gift of organs from donor heroes to grateful recipients. This is a time-sensitive and intricate process that requires precise logistical coordination with medical teams and the use of multiple modes of transportation across hundreds of miles. When transporting the precious gift of lungs from Chicago to St. Louis recently, our mission became a race against time, with inclement weather creating a challenge completely beyond human control. While the result was a successful transplant, it might not have been possible without the heroic act of a Southwest Airlines captain and flight crew who made the difference by going above and beyond to help our team.
Heather Schuster, OPC
Join an organization committed to a lifesaving mission and find a rewarding career with Mid-America Transplant
Dr. Gary Marlin
Press Release
We are excited to announce that Mid-America Transplant’s Chief Medical and Research Officer, Dr. Gary Marklin, has been named as a 2022 Titan 100. The Titan 100 program recognizes St. Louis’ Top 100 CEO’s & C-level executives. They are the area’s most accomplished business leaders, demonstrating exceptional leadership, vision, and passion.